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Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Amanha E Dia Santo

In Portuguese and English

Watch this song on youtube

Amanhã é dia santo
Um dois três

Dia de povo de Deus
Três e três, seis

Quem tem roupa vai a missa
Seis e três, nove

Quem não tem faz como eu
Nove e três, doze

Um dois três
Três e três, seis
Seis e três, nove
Nove e três, doze

Um dois três
Três e três, seis
Seis e três, nove
Nove e três, doze


Tomorrow is the saint's day
One two three

The day of God's people
Three plus three, six

Whoever has nice clothes, goes to mass
Six plus three, nine

Whoever doesn't, does like me
Nine plus three, twelve

One two three
Three plus three, six
Six plus three, nine
Nine plus three, twelve

One two three
Three plus three, six
Six plus three, nine
Nine plus three, twelve


  1. What's the song actually about? Why are we learning how to add three to other numbers?

    1. Good question! I have asked some mestres in our group and they believe it is not a hidden meaning (although 3 and 12 are "special" numbers in the bible), it is actually derived from helping children to learn addition! -Enganosa x

    2. Mestre Paulinho Sabia told me that it was first a music sang by Mestre Carcara (or Waldemar I don't remember) as an holy music.
      About going to church and everything.
      Then, the part about numbers and counting was added and it became a music to teach children.
